Monday 29 August 2011

The Story So Far...

A brief history to bring us up to date, courtesy of the good wepollock. Limited liability corporations and empire bring us all the way to the current era of corrupt, non-functional government. An ageing system where reactive measures serve to threaten our long-term stability and humanity's prospects.

Thursday 11 August 2011

So what is this blog about?

This blog will be about many things that encompass my own and hopefully many others experience of the modern world and reality. Topics such as art, music, geopolitics, economics, psychology, nutrition, dance, body-awareness, 'alternative' health, technology, philosophy, spirtuality, ancient history, 'conspiracies' and more. Too much? These areas all contain information that have allowed me to expand my understanding of the world and beyond on many levels. I would hope that likeminded people be interested in at least some of these areas and the things I have to say. I am UK based so there will be a certain amount of info that may be more relevant to us Brits/westerners, but I will always attempt to frame things using the broadest possible perspective.

The name works on many levels, but fundamentally it is about broadening our experience of reality through things that inform and shape our existence. What use are things that we cannot practically apply to enhance the quality of life for ourselves and others? I will try to cut the crap and offer up insights and content of real value, despite the fact that my own studies are very much a work in progress. If we can think about the idea of the flat earth as a conscious way of acknowledging our incomplete understanding of the world. In this critical time for humanity, we can find a firm footing, expand our minds and attempt to walk the expansive path. I see it as crucial that we're working toward this new level of awareness in as many ways as possible, both individually and together. To stagnate in our development and allow a regression to a new dark age will be to ignore all the tools and information at our disposal.

Sorry if that all sounds a bit cryptic, but it should make more sense when I start to post commentaries on various topics. There may be plenty of blogs like this out there, but if to those who stick around should find I'm a pretty good filter for all things interesting and pertinent to us all. Some of this stuff could change your life if you're open to it or at least entertain the ideas. It certainly has for me :)